
Reblog of Matthias Pfefferle:

Reblog via Matthias Pfefferle Follow `@wordpress` and join the discussion! #WordPress #fediverse

Reblog of Matthias Pfefferle:

Reblog via Matthias Pfefferle We released version 2.3.0 of the #ActivityPub plugin for #WordPress. Some new features: * Support for alt-attributes* Prioritize attachments based on the post format (article => all, audio => audio, video => video, …)* Improve JS widgets* A better default content handling based on the Object Type* You can now add/remove […]

Serverside rendered web components in WordPress. I’ll have to test this some day. Based on Enhance WASM. #wordpress

Reblog of Remkus de Vries:

Reblog via Remkus de Vries We got this cool new Font Library in WordPress 6.5 for FSE themes. If you have a Classic Theme, however, there is a way to activate the Font Library. There are a few steps involved, but it's very doable.

It looks like ActivityPub for WordPress will still be loading 2MB of JS for the foreseeable future 😫 #activitypub #wordpress

Removing all default WordPress CSS styles

The weet theme is extremely fast. One of the ways to achieve this, is by not loading any of the styles that are shipped with WordPress. After updating to WordPress version 6.4, I noticed that a stylesheet was loading with this theme. Apparently a new stylesheet was introduced. I used the excellent Query Monitor plugin […]

New features in ActivityPub plugin version 1.0

After a lot of work, version 1.0 of the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress was released. The overall usability has been improved and some of the most requested features were implemented. The biggest addition is the blog-wide ActivityPub profile. And you can freely set the ID for it. Before you could only follow individual WordPress accounts. […]

Writing blog posts for ActivityPub

Should ActivityPub posts be written differently from blog posts? That is the question I’m asking myself since posting to the Fediverse with WordPress. For I started with the regular settings of the ActivityPub plugin. Turns out that by default the full content is posted, minus some formatting. A couple of things stood out to […]

FrOSCon 2023: WordPress as an ActivityPub instance

The yearly Free and Open Source Software Conference (FrOSCon) in Sankt Augustin, Germany has a dedicated WordPress room with talks again this year. Here are the slides for my talk (in German).